Cat, I was known in John's Oncoligist's office as "the lady with the list of questions". Each time we went to see him, he came in and ask me for my list and then ask John how he was doing. {This was over a 2 yr. period]. My thinking was that if I did not ask, I would not be prepared for the next phase, nor would the Doc know how John was really doing because John "glossed over lots of realities on the home front".[and because I was responsible for a family owned business and children, I needed to be as organized as possible]. There are many caregivers here who will tell you that the more you ask, the better you can deal with it. You both are going to have some things to deal with during radiation and it is better not to be taken by surprise [in my estimation] Hopefully, you all will get through this fairly easily as some do. Just know that you have good support here when you need it. Amy in the Ozarks

CGtoJohn:SCC Flr of Mouth.Dx 3\05. Surg.4\05.T3NOMO.IMRTx30. Recur Dx 1\06.Surg 2\06. Chemo: 4 Cycles of Carbo\Taxol:on Erbitux for 7 mo. Lost our battle 2-23-07- But not the will to fight this disease
