He just found out today that the sores in his mouth were from the radiation bouncing off his fillings! We weren't told about that happening. He thought it was from dry mouth. I keep pushing him to tell the doctor when something is happening, but he seems to not want to make an issue out of it. This is a prime example of thinking what it is, but not really knowing. He has mouth rinse now that is helping, he's eating good still. Since he can't talk we are playing games; cards, dominos, etc. We'll see if he loses weight and will need a PEG. I keep telling him to be proactive in his care. He's too good of a patient (if you know what I mean).
I am sorry about your sweetheart. It's got to be tough. I appreciate your encouragement.

CG of BT SCC Stage IV age 55 8/30/07 lymph gland removal and Base of Tongue biopsy. Radiation started 10/10/07 x 35 IMRT.