It took quite awhile after my treatment, but I eventually got back a surprising amount of salivary function -- especially when you consider that there wasn't IMRT or amifostine available when I was treated. For me, it takes a combination of several things:

1. Sleeping with my head somewhat elevated -- using two pillows, one of which has memory foam so it gives my neck some extra support.
2. Taking Salagen 3x a day every day (which I've been doing for almost 16 years).
3. Sleeping on one side or the other, not my back.
4. Rinsing my mouth with Biotene mouthwash right before going to bed.

For a good many years now, I've been able to get through the night without having to get up at all for water, and most days I don't have to have a water bottle handy all the time.


Tongue SCC (T2M0N0), poorly differentiated, diagnosed 3/89, partial glossectomy and neck dissection 4/89, radiation from early June to late August 1989