WOW, every posted message agreed with what my doctor tells me. I went to my rad Dr. on Tuesday and told him how I felt. He said the same as you all are saying that "its amazing that I'm just beginning to have these side effects, especially with this amount of radiation, also whether I continued or quit now, the recovery time & effects would be the same".

He said he'd adjust the beam away from my lips, which were beginning to crack painfully and that he'd like me to restart the following day. I went in on Wednesday and noticed a huge difference. I am thankful.

I really want to let everyone who posted advice, encouragement & "hard talk" that I truly appreciate it. I guess I needed a good talking to and I need to stop being a baby about the whole thing. It seems I'm not as knowledgable about this disease as I thought.

I've read the standard internet perspective of cancer & treatment, but I never encountered a real live board like this one. I am so thankful that I did, I wish I had found it sooner. I've been in the dark about a lot of things and really didn't have any one to talk to about it.

But now that I know you all are here, willing and able to help me, I will continue to read others stories, share my experiences (as I get them) and listen to sound advice. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!