The saliva thing seems to vary from person to person and also the location of the cancer. David had laryngeal cancer and he is 16 months out of treatment. He has about 98% of his saliva back. He is a public speaker and I have to remind him to drink when he is working or he drops words. But he is able to eat bread and crackers and can pretty much eat anything he wants with just a little water to drink.

We did notice last year that when we turned the ehat on and the humidity dropped in the house that he had soem problems with dropping words due to the dryness, but it got better quickly. We also talked to a vocal reconstruction specialist and she said to avoid caffeine and antihistamines.

While David was in treatment, he slept in a recliner. His radiation oncologist pretty much insisted on it. It worked great. Thre is no way he would ahve been able to endure the Attack of the Sticky Mucous if he had been lying down.

David still has allergy problems and it is hard not to be able to take anithistamines. He has a prescription for Singulair and a prescripton for MaxifedG, which is a pill form of the same stuff that is in Robitussen. But they really dont' take care of the allergy problems...especially when the farmer next door is plowing the pasture and kicking up tons of dust.


CG spouse 54 yo male dx Sq cell CA larynx Stage 4 RADPLAT therapy started 6/05 Intra-arterial Cisplatin x4-RT x35. Treatment completed 7/05. FU PET scan and CT scan with hot spot. Biopsy of hot spot 9/05 clean. No recurrences as of 12/06.