Hi Mike,

I'm coming up to two years after diagnosis. Right side, base of tongue, two nodes positive. proabably stage 3/4. Treatment is tough, and they hit it and you hard. But I am looking forward to a full long life. I'm 59, playing golf, swimming and doing everything I did before. Recovery does take a while. I still get tired easier and quicker. The radiation and chemo take a lot out of you. But the body does come back. My thyroid was nuked, so I am taking synthroid which helps my energy level. I'm sure you will beat this thing as we have done. ATTITUDE palys a major role in your recovery. I started lifting and working out two weeks after my neck disection. I finished radiation and chemo on Dec 6, 2004. had my rad neck disection on Jan 31st. Started working out on Feb 15th. Began eating on jan 29th and had the peg tube removed Feb 1st.

In other words, FIGHT HARD every day, you will come out of this a stronger but more compassionate person.

Right now, complete your treatment. I beleive you have many more years with your entire family.


SCC, base of tongue, 2 lymph nodes, stage 3/4. 35 X's IMRT radiation, chemo: Cisplatin x 2, 5FU x2, & Taxol x2. Hooray, after 3 years I'm in still in remission.