Hi Everyone -

My name is Mike and I am a 35 yr. old father of one. I was diagnosed on 6/28 with SCC of the left base of tongue T1N2bM0. I've never smoked and rarely drink so this was quite a surprise. Anyway, I had a modified radical neck dissection by a wonderful Dr. at Johns Hopkins on 7/19 and started Tomotherapy IMRT (35 treatments scheduled) on 8/15 with adjuvant Erbitux (7 treatments scheduled). I completed my 5th radiation treatment today and so far, no noticeable affects. I'm sure they're to come but truthfully, I'm not afraid of the treatments. What I'm afraid of is not surviving long enough to see my little boy grow up. I know so many people on this forum have similar fears and I'd love to hear from you to understand how you cope.

Also, for anyone who is interested, I have been keeping a blog of my entire experience from diagnosis through treatment. You can see it here:


I wanted to share my experience so that others in the future might have a better idea of what to expect.

Thanks in advance and God bless you all.

Sincerely -


Follow my experience at http://mycancerfight.blogspot.com/

Diagnosed 6/28/06 with SCC of the base of tongue. T1N2bM0. Modified radical neck dissection 7/19/06. 35 x Tomotherapy IMRT began 8/15/06. 8 x adjuvant Erbitux. UPDATE: 10/4/11 - Checkup on my 5 year anniversary and I am cancer free!