Hi, Mike, Reading your blog should indeed help other people.Is there a way to send it here also to our blogs so it doesn't get lost to people here. My husband has the Erbitux rash also - big time, on face, chest, back, in his ears and his fingers at the nail site have started cracking and bleeding. He is going to start on an antibiotic tomorrow. If your Doc recommends something for you for the rash, please let us know. Hope you get another pizza and a big coke soon! Amy

CGtoJohn:SCC Flr of Mouth.Dx 3\05. Surg.4\05.T3NOMO.IMRTx30. Recur Dx 1\06.Surg 2\06. Chemo: 4 Cycles of Carbo\Taxol:on Erbitux for 7 mo. Lost our battle 2-23-07- But not the will to fight this disease
