Hi Kim -

Thanks for the reply. Yes, my Dr. (JC, btw, who is one of the BEST) did talk to me about the link with HPV. He also said that the prognosis for HPV related head and neck cancers is generally better although that seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. At first, he didn't think my cancer was HPV related because it is fairly well differentiated and HPV cancers tend not to be (again, somewhat counter-intuitive) but biopsy of the lymph nodes that he removed indicated HPV. He actually did a blood test on me for something called Fanconi's Anemia which is really no fun for people who have it becuase there is apparently some link between FA and solid tumors of the head and neck.

I wasn't told of an HPV vaccine but I will certainly bring it up in a couple of weeks when I go in for my follow up.

Yes, the Erbitux rash just reared it's 'ugly' head (and chest) yesterday after just one treatment. At least I know it's doing something! I'll have pics. of it on my blog tonight or tomorrow.

For what it's worth, you're right. Hopkins is second to none. It's only a little over an hour from my house but I would have definitely done whatever it took to get there no matter where I lived. I interviewed 4 surgeons including one of the top head and neck surgeons in Washington, DC before settling on Hopkins and I am so glad I made the choice that I did.

Edited by Gary Allsebrook

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Follow my experience at http://mycancerfight.blogspot.com/

Diagnosed 6/28/06 with SCC of the base of tongue. T1N2bM0. Modified radical neck dissection 7/19/06. 35 x Tomotherapy IMRT began 8/15/06. 8 x adjuvant Erbitux. UPDATE: 10/4/11 - Checkup on my 5 year anniversary and I am cancer free!