Hi Dizz_zzey, it’s Mokie. This is a hard one. There’s no way of knowing when our loved ones get to the point of compassion fatigue. Some can be there for the long run and others start breaking down before things even get started. I assume since your so young that he is too and may have few coping skills at this time in his life to deal appropriately with this heart rendering situation. Just as we can’t hold ourselves accountable for how we are going to handle such an ordeal, you can’t expect everything he does to be of the norm either. He may not even be able to explain his behavior if asked. So, maybe it’s time to incorporate a standby support system or person that can be there for you. I know it’s expensive, but even if you could hire a caregiver for the first couple days and family members could offer hours here and there. Maybe he needs the break to be able to regroup back to the person he needs to be to support you. It’s so easy to be angry with the people available to us and even easier to get mad and push away the only support we have. Something to think about. I’ll always be here to listen, but I know moving forward you will need so much more at your bedside. Give him a chance. He may surprise you. Being angry just breaks us down more.

SSC Lt sublingual tongue; Age 62
Positive biopsy 20June2019
Staging done 2 Jul : Stage 1
Quit smoking 15 years ago; not a drinker; no HPV
Pet/ CT 6Jul2019 : Negative. Not even the Lt tongue lit up.
Partial Glossectomy 22Jul2019