Hi again guys/gals,
I'll start off saying I'm so happy I decided to stop half way through the meeting of everyone involved in my treatment as I wrote all my questions down last night after the hospital sessions yesterday ready for today.And felt I got everything I wanted to know for now,and I was fresh minded and took so much more in today.I can't thank you enough for that suggestion,it really did help me.

Right ok..

Thursday I'm having pet fitted then come home..Monday I go there for Blood's in the morning,then go back later on to get a bed for the night,if there isn't one I'll go back Tues morning..surgery is Tuesday ..And the process involves,taking part of my tongue out along with tumor,part of the floor of my mouth,maybe gums on that side but definitely teeth on that side even though there's nothing wrong with them.(had an dental X-ray today before seeing surgeon)they take part of skin from my wrist to use in exchange,then take skin from stomach to put on wrist then sow stomach up,get lymph node out,fit a breathing tube through my throat along with a voice box as temp whilst mouth heals.so much just for one area to be operated on..they've obviously had to go through all the things that may happen and yes it could become very messy.I won't be able to use mouth for 7/10 days..had to sign the form to ok all the surgery..will be radiotherapy afterwards depending how it all goes and may be on that for 6months in worst case scenario..will need around 8 months off work,again worst case scenario..I may be able to come home after 10/11 days but that all depends how it goes and how the healing does..that's the majority of it from today.Oh and I got some patches to try out prior to next week which I thought was appropriate to do as I HAVE to stop this terrible smoking habit now I am being given a second chance of life and this time I ant to be smoke free..

I won't lie I am terrified of what's going to come but I must man up and beat this disease and become a survivor,then run with what life I have and like it to the fullest I physically can!

Will be posting my progress as its happening,thank you all so much again,much love..

Tom x