Hi Christineb,
Thank you ever so much for the in depth reply,and let me say I'm sorry you have had to fight through oral cancer three times let alone once.I applaud you for being here giving people like me advise!it's very much appreciated. So glad you fought it off each time. And sorry if I wasn't very clear in my first message.I have had a biopsy yeah,and I go back to the hospital on Monday to finally find out what it actually is. I keep on seeing pictures on cigarette packets that I'm still buying of a type of mouth cancer and I'm sure it a sign telling me to stop buying these stupid cigarettes because my own mouth looks so similar to the picture on the packet. Ah I see,that I didn't know about with there being so many different types of the sane thing.. Yeah I've completely stopped drinking altogether and had no idea how big the risk factor was just from drinking alcohol. I thought about trying the vape pipes out but don't think that will be any better for my mouth at this point.I have had issues with drugs in the past and know that you have to really,really want to stop before even trying, which is why I'm still smoking at the minute. But come Mmonday I think that will all change for me as I do fear the worst. I do have a picture of my mouth but think it may be to graphic and not sure it's actually allowed. I will post back what happens on Monday. Wish me luck,thanks again for being so kind
