The doctor I saw for the rash was not my main doctor at my clinic,it was just someone that I could see asap for an emergency appointment...

I have stage 4 n1 oral cancer,and is operable,was told this today.It hasn't spread to my lungs which I am extremely lucky due to how long it's been there.There was all kinds of different people in the room wanting to go through different things with me,diet,medical history,dental history,speech therapist,care worker,and two surgeons.All got a bit much for me to take in at once and finishing the rest tomorrow so I don't forget most that's said to me..My mom is always with me each time I go.tomorrow I speak to surgeons to talk in depth about the process that I'll be taking surgery and treatment all in all,great news all things considered..
I'll post back tomorrow..
Thank you all for the support once again ..
Tom x