I will check out the EnternalLite Infinity pump today. But I do so want to get off the "feedings". I know, I know, don't we all ! Just can't understand why my throat is still so red, raw and swollen after a year and a half. Coupled with not having enough saliva to get anything to get to the back of my throat to even swallow.

Every night I go to sleep thinking it will be better tomorrow. Some days I want to run down the hallway in our house just to get away from the horrible taste in my mouth and the painful swallowing but there are two problems with that: I can't run anymore and it just doesn't work that way. Besides I would be clear at the other end of the house and my glass of ice water would be at the other end....not good !

I get so tired of this. If it is not the mouth/throat problems it is the kidney stones and/or the back fractures. When do we get a break ? Then I feel guilty as there are so, so many people much worse off than I am. This is such a battle. I have always been so precise, organized, and in control but now I am not in control of anything. I get so tired of people saying aren't you eating yet ? Have you tried pudding, jello, cottage cheese, smoothie, milk shake, etc. Duh ! Why didn't I think of that ! I know they mean well but.........

We have 3 dogs, not by choice but you know how that goes. A 12 year old golden retriever, my shadow named Jack-Jack. A kinda mutt named Widget, part jack russel who is also 12. He was a surprise. Hubby went to the grocery store close to closing time. A guy outside the door was offering a free dog......my hubby ALMOST got past him till he heard him say "guess I will put this dog out on the highway on my way home". Poof we had dog number 2. They are both well trained and good dogs each with their own little quirks. Then about 4 months ago my brother (in the wheelchair) had this wild thought to get a 4 year old black lab from the pound named Butch. After 2 days he decided he did not want the responsibility. He was in bed for weeks with a pressure sore and could not get up. Butch would not use the doggie door to go in and out. Hubby even crawled through it to show him how. (now that was a sight to behold). Didn't work so we brought the dog home. He dearly loves my hubby but Butch is not well mannered. He does have a history of nipping 3 people so we have to put him away when the grandkids are here. I just do not trust him and as of yesterday when I came home to my very favorite shoe in the whole world chewed up I don't even much like him. And if you don't understand that, ask your wife about favorite shoes. He is the one I would not take out on a leash. My hubby does not want to take him back to the pound as the dog has not had a fair shake in life. (Such a kind heart he has, he has even put up with me for 43 years and not once said he would take me back to the pound either. Amazing ! ) And, he thinks Butch is a good dog and has "potential.....we'll see about that !

Your job sounds very enriching and satisfying. We sure needed you here last week after hurricane Matthew. So many roads, bridges and dams out. It has been crazy. We lost power for about 24 hours and two tall pine trees. One stopped about 20 foot from the house. We are now in the process of finding someone to take down about 6 more. It was interesting getting from one end of town to the other with all the road wash outs and sink holes but we faired well.

Hubby volunteered with a local Men's group and the Red Cross helping with meals for the homeless. Our meeting place is one of the staging areas for disaster response. They cook and package up the meals that go out to many areas. Just down the street from us they are preparing 15,000 to 30,000 meals a day to hand out along with water and finding places for the homeless to stay. It is just mind blowing! My hubby was in charge of cooking chicken breasts on Sunday and now he says he never wants to see another chicken in his life !

Maybe that is a good thing because while he was in the Air Force flying B-52's the whole crew one by one would call me and ask me not to feed Jerry chicken the night before a flight. Seems as though it made him gassy at high level and they had to put up with the smell. It is not like you can open the window......yep this is probably more info than you wanted to know but we have always teased him about eating chicken. Thank goodness it did not soak in Sunday while he was cooking and we had an uneventful quiet night.

I will close with that story, I know Jerry will be grateful that I don't tell any more pilot stories right now.....but I've got lots.

Take care and don't worry to much about that to-do list.

Sept 2002 Rt breast cancer no chemo or radiation.
March 2015 Rt tonsil cancer - walnut size lump rt side neck.
March 2015 Scan, biopsy confirm
March 2015 Port, G tube placed, 10 teeth removed.
July 2015 completed 5 chemo/35 radiations
Sept 2015 Cat Scan all clear
July 2016 G tube, port still in place
Ive had Thyroid "graves disease" and Lupus for many years.
4 kidney stone surgeries past 3 mo with over 100 stones still there !

*** Update... Jo passed away 12/20/17 ... RIP Jo ***