Hey Ang, how's it goin? Anyway, as far as diet goes, initially I just wanted to get some calories in. I am trying at this time to eat healthfully, something that I have done to various degrees throughout my life.
At this time, I am following some good advice I got from a friend who never gets sick, is healthy and in shape. She keeps it real simple. She walks a lot (she is tour guide in NYC). But the thing I am trying to do now,which she does, is eat "clean." I don't eat meat, other than occasional fish or a small piece of chicken.Lots of beans and various rices. Lots of fruits, nuts and vegetables, organic at times but not always. I stay away from processed stuff. With that said, I do have some sweets at times, it's about a balance. If this ends up taking me down, it won't be because I ate some pastry.
As far as holistic remedies, I can't say I am too familiar with those. I am sure some of those things have some validity, possibly to help with side effects of chemo, etc. It is so hard to find information that can be verified as reliable when you check into those things though. So I am sticking with the tried and true on this one. The stakes are just too high. I have also been a nurse for a long time within the mainstream medical world so I have some trust on that, my doctors have been real straight with me from the onset. I was on medications a couple of times for depression. I didn't like the effects, so I do go for accupunture treatments about once a month and I get a therapeutic massage about once a month too. None of those type meds for over 2 years, so it did help somehow, even if only a "placebo effect." They really help the stress factor and I think that is something too often overlooked.
I will say a prayer for you. In a few days, the surgery part will be over. Take care. Denise

Biopsy tongue 3/24/15
Diagnosis SCC tongue/floor of mouth
Partial glossectomy, resection and right neck dissection done
05/01/2015-no further treatment indicated at this time,
monthly check ups for two years