Hey all, my name is Angie and I was recently diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on the back and base of the tongue (left side) and enlarged lymphnodes (also on left side). Everything has been happening rather quickly. I was diagnosed 3/23/16 and am now scheduled 4/14/16 for a partial glossectomy along with surgery on the neck to remove the lympnodes. Needless to say, I am petrified, I get nervous everyday, but this is the road to being cured so I must stay strong. I plan on being strong throughout recovery as I hope to have a normal life as possible. I want to have kids one day and hope to watch them grow! I am relying on the strength and positivity of my family and friends and hope to expand my support system by joining this forum. I in turn wish to provide the same positive energy to others, and after recovery I want to do more with my life and find a way to really help others through help and support programs in my area. Come be my friend! I could really use them!

Last edited by Ang0512; 04-05-2016 05:43 AM. Reason: Wanted to add to signature

CA patient age 30
Stage 3 OC
Surgery Partial glossectomy 4/14/16
Surgery on neck 1 lymph infected
Pathology tests show intermediate risk
Radiation starts soon
Chemo suggested but not mandatory