I hope your surgery goes well. I am a year out just about and luckily did not require chemo or radiation. I remember the 2 week wait I had for my surgery date to arrive once it had been set. It was tough. But I will tell you that it honestly was no where near as bad as I had anticipated. Sure, there is some soreness but nothing that wasn't do able. I laid on the sofa for the initial days afterwards, ate cheesecake without the crust and watched movies. Oh, yeah...and took oxycontin. That made the movies a bit more interesting and the cheesecake a bit more yummy. Good luck to you and I will say a prayer for you. Denise

Biopsy tongue 3/24/15
Diagnosis SCC tongue/floor of mouth
Partial glossectomy, resection and right neck dissection done
05/01/2015-no further treatment indicated at this time,
monthly check ups for two years