Hi Ang,
I too,am recently diagnosed and going through this journey. It is very scary, but I think a positive attitude and confidence in your care team is essential. This is a great site with lots of information and experiences of those who have been there and done this! And survived! It will be a tough road, but we will get through it. My surgery is April 21. I look foreword to hearing about your recovery and sharing our experiences!
Sending positive thoughts your way!

Last edited by ange; 04-05-2016 08:43 PM.

51 year old non smoker
Dec.2015 Diagnosed with squamous cell cancer of tongue
Jan 2016 Clear PET
Jan 2016 Partial glossectomy
April 21,2016- hemi glossectomy with RFFF and left neck resection.
-trach for 6 days
-feeding tube for 8 days
-home on day 9
Pathology May 2016
T2 N2B M0
2 positive lymph nodes
30 rads completed July 13/2016