I hit submit before I proofread the above post, so I hope it didn't get too confusing. My questions are the following:
I am experiencing a little bit more difficulty speaking-it is weaker and more "gravelly". I am hoping this is just temporary due to the surgery and radiation. Anyone experienced this and does it come back?
Has anyone else had the radiation and chemo 70 gray before the hemiglossectomy, flap reconstruction and neck dissection? This may be called a salvage surgery.
I have ORN of the right jaw and fracture and they want to just take the dead bone out but no reconstruction right now. Anybody experienced with this?
I was initially diagnosed with SCC and, after all the radiation and chemo and the tumor was not gone, they realized they misdiagnosed the tumor. It was mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Any one else had this?

4-2014 SCC BOT rt. 2 nodes
6-2014-8-2014 Baylor Sammons Dallas,
70 gy. Carboplatin Taxol
Peg tube 5/2014-present
biopsy(10/2014) mucoepidermoid carcinoma-not SCC.
11/10/2014 M.D. Anderson radical neck dissection hemiglossectomy flap rt. lower arm
2/2015 CT clear- ORN right jaw.
8/2015 CT. Lt. neck two nodes,right jaw ORN worsening. Biopsy- MEC.
Surgery 9/28/2015 lt. neck dissection-remove nodes and chest flap resection. Rt. jaw dead bone removal.