Excellent information you shared about preventing Trismus. I was not full aware of this at the time of my radiation and thus have Trismus. I also add to be very careful about when you end the daily exercise as the healing time frame is different for all of us. Be on the safe side and do the excercises for several months. It is hard to tell when one is healed.

SCC 9/2012 right upper right maxilla
Surgery 9/27/2012 to remove portion of right maxilla
DX-after surgery cancer cells in margin
RAD-33 TX ended 12/05/12
2/13-current-Severe Trismus and Radation Fibrosis
6/13-clear PET
6/13-Infection in radiation area of mouth, with surgery to drain infection
8/13-ended 40 HBOT treatments
11/13-Clear PET
3/14-Botox injections for severe Trismus
5/14-Clear PET/ 11/14-clear PET
Male age 53, non smoker, non drinker