Thanks for these posts. I feel reassured by them. I am probably just stressing over nothing. I meet with my ENT soon. This thing is driving me nuts. I was at my doctor last night as my wife was feeling quite sick. He checked in with me as well and said it is likely I have something similar to vasomotor rhinitis and this could be a life long thing. He said the maxillary mucous retention cysts are likely from this. He said he would easily diagnose this based on my test if my mucus was thin not thick. my sputum test came back normal though the report came back with a comment that the mucus was remarkably viscid.

All in all you are probably right and that is the reason my ENT thinks along those lines too. I do not have typical symptoms of cancer and on top of that I have a normal blood workup, a sinus CT, neck of my MRI and 3 ENTs actually look inside my nose and find nothing.