I was also under the impression they would add the dye part way through the procedure. They did tell me that this would depend on the quality of the images.

I'm assuming the images were clear enough to draw a conclusion. In my case that there were no abnormalities. What are your thoughts? I don't know enough about radiology/MRI and their processes to draw any conclusions apart from that they have told me their was no abnormalities. I'm assuming that if something showed on the first lot of images without the contrast they would then inject the contrast dye to get a better image of the problem. Since nothing showed up then there was nothing to have a closer look at.

My partner, who I have been with for 10 years is going for her pap smear and said she will be asked to be tested for HPV. SHe doesn't think she will test positive she has not had any partners before me and I only had 2 which were in my teens.