Just thought I would update here about MRI after doing some digging. I have been told by a radiologist that contrast is usually only used:
1) post surgery
2) if there is a previous history of cancer to find very small tumors that most likely wouldn't cause symptoms
3) to further investigate a finding on images initially taken without contrast.

In my case I believe because I have no history of cancer and the initial images did not show anything that warranted further investigation.

I was also told that CT scans are less accurate than MRI scans. If a finding shows up on a CT then it will definitely show up on the MRI and possibly more. Having said that this all comes down to the skill of the radiologist. I'm going to take all my scans to a friend who is a radiologist and have them looked over again. Then I am back at my ENT. Hopefully I can get to the bottom of this soon.
