Thanks for the posts athosprv. I'm back from my honeymoon now and feeling a little refreshed. Wedding was amazing.

My symptoms did not seem to change when transition from a dry hot climate to a humid hot climate. The mucus is really annoying. Doc says its post nasal drip. My response was post nasal drip isn't a disease its a symptom of a disease and besides that it doesn't drip, it just sits there until I hawk it up. I told him I was sick and tired of the run around I have been given and demanded a sputum sample be taken and tested. I'm going to get this result Thursday.

Not long after the MRI I noticed a small lump on the back of my neck near my hairline. GP told me it is an enlarged occipital node and not likely related to my current symptoms. Its been there for about 5 weeks, its soft, somewhat mobile and painless. I've scheduled a meeting with my ENT this Friday just in case. I'm not letting him send me on my way until he has written me a referral for an MRI of my throat and sinus with contrast and specific instructions to look to cancer.

I'm armed with a lot of info on throat cancer specifically HPV related throat cancer because if I have it it is probably that. I feel the best way to see through any BS the ENT uses to get me out of the door is to be informed. I've read countless journal articles now and grabbed as much information as I can.

I feel happy all my tests have come back negative but also feel that I really need to pursue this until I feel comfortable not the ENT and GP. That is also the advice I have drawn from this forum and people I have spoken to about it.