I am totally with you on this. I have been reading this forum from time to time and when I spotted your post, the conditions you describe seem identical to mine.

I have had mild pain to the right side of my throat and the glue like saliva which becomes better or worse from time to time, over the last year and a half or so.

So far I have had
- meetings with 2x GP's, 3x ENTS
- 4x Laryngoscopies
- Ultrasound
- Anti-fungals
- 4-5 kinds of Antibiotics
- NO DIAGNOSIS! (Apart from one ENT who said its Globus. When I told him i don't feel anything inside my throat and asked him why do I have skicky saliva that makes me gag he said its purely psychological and he sees people with it every day. Then he proceeded to quickly wrap up my case and send me home. Another doctor told me I should just live with it.
- Some doctors will call this "Globus Hystericus". That is NOT a diagnosis and merely a way for them to say they don't know what it is so its your mind causing it. Take those words with a grain of salt.

Trust me, it's not gonna be easy figuring out what could be causing this and some doctors will just not want to spend the time since it doesn't look serious to them.

Some things I have found out over the year:
- Dairy seems to make the glue saliva feeling worse
- Exercise also seems to make it worse.
- When I travel back home, it seems that the glue saliva decreases dramatically while the pain on the right side of my throat worsens.
- There are times where, right after eating something the glue like feeling makes me gag or even throw up. Strepsils help a lot!!!
This makes me think that there may be an environmental factor. Symptoms change on Warm, Dry climate (Mediterranean) vs wet, humid (UK)

Let me also refer you to my post last may:

Perhaps we can combine our experiences and come up with at least a viable way to live with it, or even eventually figure out what could be the cause of this

Good luck with your honeymoon, I am getting married soon as well.


Last edited by athosprv; 03-22-2014 07:25 AM.