Rocked the second TaxolCarbo chemo today -- going to use the new cocktail of anti nausea to offset it. Thank you to those that advised Mucinex. I added that to the regimen and am hoping that will help with the mucus based vomiting I had this weekend. Last 10 rads to go. Hoping it all looks good, no surgery is required and that we get it all with these treatments. If not, we'll take those step and make those decisions then. Right now I'm terribly internally focused on getting through my treatments - selfish, I admit, but it's what I have the energy to focus on.
Thank you all for your kind words of support, especially as the road steepens for both myself and my wife. I know she must be tiring of the entire stupid thing, but she keeps plugging away, dedicating so very much of her own strength to supporting me. I'm really quite lucky to have her -- have I told you all that? A lesser person would have bailed out with one of a million good excuses by now!
Hope the others on their journeys are traveling well. We can do this, and I know many of you, and Ozmojo in particular, are kicking ass, taking names and putting me to shame with their courage and strength. Still, I take pride in doing what I do and have done! Let's all get through this!!
Reminds me of a lyric that keeps running through my head -- I use it to invoke smiles whenever my torture team does their thing (and yes, I know they are there to help save me, but they ARE STILL a torture team

). For some reason, it plays in the back of my brain, reminding me that I get stronger, not weaker, with every treatment.
"When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lol we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water"
These treatments are my OCF head and neck cancer karate!! Watch out enemies ours -- when we get through this, we'll be damned scary!!
OK, enough random and probably completely unintelligible thought,
Safe journeys, all
The Hellion