[quote=rosymonroe]I am definitely having problems with family and friends thinking I am back to normal. I suppose its because I don't complain to much to very many people, there are a few chosen ones I whine to. Most friends have no idea how difficult it is for me to eat and when I say something about it they look confused and shocked. I don't want people looking at me like I am a freak but sometimes I wish they knew and understood the difficulties I am going through. [/quote]
Yeah. I totally get what you're saying. I use to be a fast eater and now it takes me forever and people just assume that because you're "normal" on the outside everything must be fine.
Food is like walking in a minefield for us. I never know what I'm going to have a horrible reaction to which gets looks and reactions or when I jump for joy that I can eat something I couldn't previously and get stared at like I'm equally crazy.

It's also, for me at least awkward on dates. After not saying anything and being taken to restaurants where there was no chance in hell tolerating anything on the menu I now just throw it out there. That I had cancer, I'm going to be constantly checked my whole life and food is always going to be somewhat of an issue. And I say if that's not appealing to you or you don't want to deal with it it's ok. Just be honest.
I've had mixed responses. Some guys hang up the phone, some guys say they can handle it or don't care but then get embarrassed or feel guilty if I have a bad reaction to something I put in my mouth or if I have to apply oral gel because my tongue got stuck to my teeth during the night again. And then I get some guys like the one I'm seeing now just isn't phased by it.
I've even had guys say things like "can I see your tongue?!" All excited like its something fun.
I will say my older brother's family is the worst. They weren't there when I had it, had my operation or long 5 month recovery from radiation and won't even acknowledge I had it. They even went so far as to make fun of a fundraiser a friend made for me online and that I was begging for money and being dramatic.

Large sore on right side tongue. Had for 3 mos. biopsied came back stage 2 well differentiated tongue cancer. Partial tongue removal and neck disect. On feb142012. Rads for 6weeks finished in June. Couldn't speak or eat for 5 months. Clear pet scan dec 2012. Former smoker hpv- 27male. Recent ENT visit said "as far as I can tell you're cured" 💗