Sorry - I messed up on the signature. I fixed it below. It started 6/17 for 7 weeks. HE has two more to go now (plus one - the hospital closed on July 4th, so the 35th RAD is on the following Monday).

Hard to figure out these days what is causing what - there are so many meds involved in treating side effects and pain, that the fatigue could be from anything - increased pain meds, what day after Chemo, nausea meds........ We know what is causing the secretions and mouth sores, but the on and off "in a fog" is hard to nail down causation. Truth is, it probably doesn't matter.

He hasn't spoken in a long time - at first it was the tumor pain, but as soon as that subsided, he got hit with the secretions. Even though he is going through swallow therapy (that he hates, but we push) I hate the idea that he will go for so many months without speaking. I hope that the dry mouth - that I know is terrible - doesn't continue to impede speech.

He wants to think he will go back to his regular life a few weeks post-treatment, although he hears from everyone that the recovery is SLOW (after 2 to 3 weeks of tougher post-Tx). But together we are focusing on one day at a time - and we know that no two days are ever alike.

AWW, Brother of Dave, 60
Pre-canc 10 years ago
Biopsy Dentist 10/12
Stage 2 SCC 2.5cm
no action
5/13 to DanaFarber
Examined by Surgeon, MO, RO
Stage T4, 4.5cm, no METs, or lymph nds
Started treatment 6/17 - RT 5x/wk, Csptn 1/wk, for 7 wks - will end 8/5
PEG since his first week.
Treatment ended 8/5
Scans scheduled for 10/30, with FU appointment 11/6
11/1 - Treatments didn;t work. Tumor continues to grow.