Hi All,

My brother has two more weeks of chemo/rad - he is going to make it through. He was is such pain when he started (he had a large tumor that caused 9-10 level pain) that he has been on Fentanyl patches the whole way, so the pain from treatment has been minimal. The thick secretions are stopping him from talking, but hopefully those will go away soon post treatment. But, thank goodness, the tumor is definitely shrinking!

I have two questions - Having been with him in Boston through the treatment (I have been here since he was diagnosed in early May but I will need to go back to Los Angeles a few weeks post - I am a professor and school starts again). I will be leaving him with his wife, and wanted to know what is the level of care usually required post-treatment.
Is it something she will need help with, or is it mostly just a matter of patience in recovery and follow ups with doctors and a swallow therapist? (He is getting enough nutrition/fluids through the PEG.)

My second question is more curiosity. If G** forbid the chemo/rad doesn't get it all, and it grows back, is a second round of chemo/rad in the same spot an option? Is surgery at that point (it was too big for surgery before)?



AWW, Brother of Dave, 60
Pre-canc 10 years ago
Biopsy Dentist 10/12
Stage 2 SCC 2.5cm
no action
5/13 to DanaFarber
Examined by Surgeon, MO, RO
Stage T4, 4.5cm, no METs, or lymph nds
Started treatment 6/17 - RT 5x/wk, Csptn 1/wk, for 7 wks - will end 8/5
PEG since his first week.
Treatment ended 8/5
Scans scheduled for 10/30, with FU appointment 11/6
11/1 - Treatments didn;t work. Tumor continues to grow.