[quote=littlebird]Decent article in today's New York Times. Comments are moderated, fyi, so perhaps better than in some other papers.

http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/10/oral-cancer-sneaks-up/ [/quote]

Thanks for the link. Definitely a better article!

From the article-

[quote]However, such �fairly modest changes� in sexual habits do not explain why the cancer risk has doubled or tripled over the years, said Gypsyamber D�Souza, a viral cancer specialist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. It has risen the most in white men 45 and up. The older age is explained by the fact that, like cervical cancer, it can take decades to develop.[/quote]

I wish they would do better research on the person's life style before cancer hit them. We had a post on another board to find similarities in everyone diagnosed; every one posted about an immune hit; usually getting sick; then some type of accident. With my hub; he was working really hard each time to catch up after losing work from being out. He was more stressed & slept less.

My son's aunt was just diagnosed with lung cancer; her story is similar; so was my dad's who passed from leukemia.

Last edited by Roselvr; 06-11-2013 03:39 PM.

Aug 09 - 3 ultrasound - 7CT - 13 ENT needle biopsy 1 - 19 MRI - 24 ENT n. biopsy 2 - 31 ENT results - Sept- 2 PET - 9 ENT #2 - 22 Rt rad neck dis; rt tonsil & PEG - Nov 4 33 rads; 3 chemo - Complete treatment 12/24/09 - 2/23/10 PEG out!