Well, below is the text of my second post yesterday on the NY Daily News website. But let me tell you, I ain't going back there. It's like visiting a sewer. I am gobsmacked by some of the posts.
"I hope Michael Douglas and his family know that there are many, many thousands of people around the world who applaud his courage. One thing is absolutely certain - he has saved lives by bringing this issue to the public's attention, if it leads to an increase in vaccination rates for boys and girls.
Stop and think of the service he has done - he didn't have to go public but wants it known that this is a preventable cancer, which can be vaccinated against and which should be screened for.
The majority of women who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer have been exposed to
HPV, through sexual intercourse, yet we don't rush to humiliate them.
Let's grow up and leave our adolescence behind and have an adult discussion about this health issue. Get your children vaccinated, and the next time someone makes a joke about Mr Douglas be big enough to say, yes well he's made me stop and think about my own kids health.
I applaud his courage - and thank him for putting himself so uncomfortably in the spotlight."