Thanks everyone. I am beyond grateful that the recovery is much easier now that I didn't have the neck dissection. It's so hard not to be on edge, but I am learning to appreciate everything! Thanks for the support.

Lori, age 30 (HPV-, non-drinker, non-smoker, non-tobacoo user)
Dx 3/18/13 - T1N0M0 SCC L.Tongue
Tx 4/4/13 - Partial glossectomy (no rad/no chemo).
8/8/13 - Thyroid FNA - benign nodule
12/20/13 - Tongue Biopsy - Mild hyperkeratotic dysplasia
12/26/13 - Lymph FNA - benign (dx Cervical lymphadenopathy)
3/17/14 - Tongue Biopsy - normal tissue
5/5/14 - Tongue Biopsy - (awaiting results)