All right here are the results from my CT. It showed nothing in the lymph nodes, HOWEVER, it showed multiple nodules in my thyroid (and a mildly enlarged thyroid). I am now going to an oncologist team in Jacksonville to further investigate. Additionally, it showed that my tonsils are asymmetric.

Help, guidance? Anyone ever had nodules in thyroid. Thanks.

Lori, age 30 (HPV-, non-drinker, non-smoker, non-tobacoo user)
Dx 3/18/13 - T1N0M0 SCC L.Tongue
Tx 4/4/13 - Partial glossectomy (no rad/no chemo).
8/8/13 - Thyroid FNA - benign nodule
12/20/13 - Tongue Biopsy - Mild hyperkeratotic dysplasia
12/26/13 - Lymph FNA - benign (dx Cervical lymphadenopathy)
3/17/14 - Tongue Biopsy - normal tissue
5/5/14 - Tongue Biopsy - (awaiting results)