I am pretty sure my Dr will set up an appointment with a Speech therapist. I did not attempt to swallow of a long period as the pain was excrucitating. In fact I began loosing weight well before I started treatment because it took me for ever to eat. The PEG helped greatly with nutrition. My pain is much alleviated now but sure feels like there is a big lump in my throat. I am sure he will stick that scope of his down there next Tuesday and make sure things are OK.

For general interest my radiologist offered me a clinical trial where they gave full dosage (50 grey)to the primary site (base of tongue) and a lesser amount of radiation to the lymph nodes. I declined as I wanted the cancer gone! The trial was to see if the lesser dose was as effective as the full dose in the infected nodes but with fewer side effects.

Mr Mike

WM age 69, Stage III sqamous cell, base of tongue (left lingual tonsil), (1) node positive, Dxd Aug 2012, 35 rad treat with Cisplatin weekly, final treatment 10-16-12, CT scan 11-18-12 good result, PET in Jan 2013, good result, Barium swallow test...no swallowing function.