Just discovered this site. Very nice. I am 69 year old male and am 7 weeks out from chemo/Rad for base of tongue squamous cell with one node positive. Completed 7 weeks of daily radiation concurrent with weekly does of Cisplatin. Last RT was October 16. I seem to feel a little better some days and I try to resume daily activities. I am cold most of the time, have a tingling sensation in my arms and back, sleep poorly w/o a sleep aid, mucousitis, dry mouth, and a dizzying effect when I turn over in bed. All of these are tolerable to some extent except my ability to swallow is completely gone. Swallowing was painful before the start of treatment and by week three I could no longer bear to swallow anything. I have a PEG tube that was recommended by all the doctors and it has been my exclusive source of nutrition and hydration now for three months. My next followup with the RT doctor is next week. I am really anxious to get back eating again, but nothing will go down. What should be my expectations and likely advice from the RT doctor? Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

Mr Mike

WM age 69, Stage III sqamous cell, base of tongue (left lingual tonsil), (1) node positive, Dxd Aug 2012, 35 rad treat with Cisplatin weekly, final treatment 10-16-12, CT scan 11-18-12 good result, PET in Jan 2013, good result, Barium swallow test...no swallowing function.