I contacted my radiologist about a month after last treatment and he seemed unconcerned about the swallowing, but he did make me another appointment. My instincts tell me I should be working on this swallowing before now but this is all new to me. I dunno what to do. Do they recommend "dry swallowing? just to exercise the muscles?

On hair loss: Beard (fairly heavy) mostly gone. Some left high on cheek and sideburns. Hair on nape of neck is gone. Thinned out on top of my head. None of this is an issue for me.

Had a few unrelated skin cancers removed last week. Basel cell and Squamous cell. More cutting to clear margins. Had Stage III melanoma in 1994 which I some how survived so the anxiety level rises with these skin cancers.

The tingling is in my back and the back of my arms not in the extremities where most others report. It's uncomfortable but for now tolerable.

Thick mucous still persists but is decreasing. I get a foamy mouth whenever i talk a lot. Otherwise mouth is becoming more dry.

Thanks again for comments. I will be following discussions closely.

Mr Mike

WM age 69, Stage III sqamous cell, base of tongue (left lingual tonsil), (1) node positive, Dxd Aug 2012, 35 rad treat with Cisplatin weekly, final treatment 10-16-12, CT scan 11-18-12 good result, PET in Jan 2013, good result, Barium swallow test...no swallowing function.