Good evening everybody!! We just got an update that Joyce is doing so well. She can now sit up and write down what she wishes. She hopes to be moved to a regular room today (Sunday morning there). She is still in so much pain and she told my father-in-law that she is not physically ready to go home. We assume by mid-week she will be allowed to go home.

Thank you again. Ina

BTW: After surgery how many weeks does it take before they start the radiation therapy? Is radiation more bearable than chemotherapy? Hope Joyce gains weight before that. We were told she has not been eating solid food since March 2010.

Last edited by Ina; 10-13-2012 06:41 PM.

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.