Hello OCF,
Just wanted to give you an update - please read both updates listed below. Mom is not doing well as we thought. We only get 3rd hand updates since none of the children are with her. I would like to ask if you think that she is in serious condition and if it is time for at least 1 child to go and be with her. My husband and I are leaving in November for 20 days to be with them. More suggestions and inputs are highly appreciated.

Mom is 72 years of age, with hypertension, heart problems aside from the cancer and other complications listed below.

When is it the right time to leave the USA and be with her?


Update as of 5:50 am EST 10/11/2012
I just spoke with my dad, and he told me that Joyse is still in the ICU room on the ventilator to help her breathe normally. He said she was also given some medicines (though they can't remember exactly what medicines) to stabilize her kidneys. She also received a blood transfusion today because her blood count was low.

Update as of Oct 11, 2012, at 2:17 AM
Hi everyone. I spoke with dad a short while ago. He said that Tita Josie is still in the room at the ICU. He said most of the doctors cleared her to leave the ICU, but doctor who monitors her breathing wants her to stay on the respirator a while longer. Apparently, the tube in her mouth is for the respirator, so I was wrong when I said yesterday she wasn't on the respirator anymore. Very sorry about that. Dad said that the respirator is only in the ICU so that's why she'll have stay there for now, but he said she's ok naman otherwise.

Last edited by Ina; 10-11-2012 06:04 AM.

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.