I'm at makati med now. It's 530pm, and Tita Josie has been out of the operating room for about 2 and a half hours already. I saw her in the recovery room. She looks ok, and she was already a bit awake about 30 minutes ago though still quite sleepy from the anesthesia. The doctor said the operation went well, and they were able to remove all of it. They've placed a titanium plate at that part of her jaw, and there wasn't any need to get any flesh from any other part of her body for the reconstructive part because they were able to just flip the flesh back up where they did the surgery. Per my mom, the doctor told her there won't really be any obvious signs of the operation except maybe a small dimple at her jaw.

They're moving her to a room at the ICU, but its not because she needs critical care, but to monitor her. The doctor said during the operation there was a time when she had a little trouble breathing so her breathing was assisted for a short while during the surgery. But she's been breathing fine since the operation. She doesnt have a breathing apparatus now or anything like that, she just has the normal monitoring equipment. The doctor said she'll probably be in the ICU for maybe up to 24 hours so they can monitor her there. Possibly shorter though.

Hopefully the post operation recovery will be smooth, but from what I heard the surgery went well today.

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.