Hello guys, I am back from our "medical mission" visiting our elderly and sick parents. We were there for 18 days. Joyce has started her chemo when we were visiting. she is very responsive to the treatment and we just learned yesterday that she started losing her hair from the chemo treatment. A friend went there yesterday to cut her hair, now it is about 1cm long. She has no complains. Her next chemo treatment is December 13 then the last in Jan 2013.

The doctors decided to opt out of radiation and to focus on chemotherapy. They wanted to make sure that the particles seen on your lungs will be "killed" or removed by chemotherapy.

Let me know what you think about that decision. Nice to be back home.

Joyce March 1940 to January 2014
A wife, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
She fought oral cancer from late 2009 to Early 2014.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.