Thanks to you all for the suggestions. I am finding it all very helpful and it is nice to know that other people have the same issues it is not just me. It seems like there is a lot of info out there for other types of cancer but not so much for throat or oral cancer or else I've just not been in the right places to look.
I think I have tried all the foods mentioned and they are the ones that I usaully eat. I didn't mention that i"m a 65 y/o female. Never smoked, only occas had a drink. I did not have HPV. I have had issues with reflux both before and since the cancer dx. My mouth is just extremely dry now even with the biotene, oral balance, freq sips of water etc. I do find that eating small amts freq helps to stimulate a little moisture in my mouth. Sugar free candy and mints only seem to make my teeth break or a filling come out. Never fails me. To answer Maria about the juices. They burn my mouth and so does fresh fruit. I can eat really sweet fruit like in pie sometimes but fresh fruit tastes terrible. Someone mentioned veggies and yes I agree I can eat almost any veggie that is cooked and I do enjoy eating them. I had a hard time with potatoes for a long time because the fiber in them felt like switchblades going down but now if they are really smooth they are good. So many things that one thinks would be good are terrible. I remember at the intial time of the treatment and afterwards anything cold at all was not tolerable. Ice cream tasted awful but thankfully that is gone now. Jello was terrible as was puddings all just tasted horrible and felt horrible in my mouth but that has gotten much better. Just recently jello has started to taste better and so has pudding. I do try the Instant Breakfsst and that is good with ice cream. I find that eating out or even with family is hard because they are done before I even hardly get started. It takes forever and I have to chew and swallow very slowly and everyone else is done and gone. It is hard for them and for me. I enjoy going out but feel like I"m holding everyone else back. Does anyone else feel that way. I'm just enjoying being able to talk to other people that have this issue. I wish I"d known about this sight a long time ago.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and hopefully I can help other too. So many really good stories about what you have been thru and still are hanging in there and doing things. I feel very fortunate as well. I am still hanging in there and for the most part active though very frail. I also have osteoporosis and have had frequent broken ribs and sternum and a fractured pelvis. The coughing causes the rib fx's. But that is life. I did continue to work as a nurse for several years after my treatment for the cancer but the treatment for the lung issues took a toll and i finally had to stop working. I do think it is really good to stay as active as possible though. It helps you mentally not to get down.
Again thanks to all.

65f dx 7/95 scc poorly differentiated r post pharngeal Laser surg
7/96 reocur l post wall 8wks IMRT 5d/wk
freq check all clear ca
97 approx dx atypical mycobacteria lungs picc line many antibiotics still pos cultures
dry mouth
many dental issues
osteoporosis many fxs
Poor appetite