This is my first time to actually respond. I've been reading all the comments for several mos however. My sister in law is a dental hygenist and she told me about the website. My cancer was 16 yrs ago. I had surgery the first time and a year later it reoccured so I had 8 weeks of radiation. My cancer was on the posterior pharngeal wall. It was scc and was poorly differentiated so was aggressive type. They really gave me a big dose of radiation and my mouth was very sore for over a year and still after 15 years I am having swallowing issues and problems with sore mouth and very freq dental issues. I also have contacted atypical mycobacteria in my lungs. I have been on many antibiotics over the years and still have a constant chronic cough and pneumonia and bronchitis and have positive sputum cultures for the atypical mycobacteria. Recently I've had swallowing problems because my saliva has never gotten much better or my taste has not returned much either. I go for more texture than taste. I lived on oatmeal and poached eggs for a year. That miracle mouthwash isn't really a miracle when it comes to swallowing!! I never had a feeding tube because my dr believed my best chance was if I was on the edge between living and dying. So I got the nutrition I needed from what I could swallow only which wasn't a lot. It seems from most of the things i"ve read that the radiation has improved a lot since I had treatment and that a lot of folks have tongue rather than throat cancer. My voice is still pretty much the same for that I"m lucky. I do have issues with swallowing and did have a recent barium swallow test and most anything just hangs up in my throat. I've had to have the heimlich done and that was very scary. I'm seeing a SLP now for some exercises and I have in the past as well. Does anyone have any good suggestions. I know that I"m lucky that I have my tongue and jawbone and some taste. I do like chooolate milkshakes and mac n cheese and spaghetti and mashed potatoes though the potatoes are not really that tasty just easy. I attempt meat and really everything but can't say I enjoy it. For one thing my mouth is very sensitive to even ketchup and things that most would say is not spicy at all ia extemely spicy to me. My husband tests a lot of things for me first to make sure I can eat it. Though even he sometimes thinks it is fine and it makes my eyes water. Even the barium stuff that they gave me with the swallow test burned my mouth. It is my tongue and soft palate and throat all the way down. Everyone pretty much looks in and says it looks good no tumors or anything like that which is good and I'm thankful but it still hurts and isn't much fun to eat. I have a hard time maintaining my weight as well.
Well good luck to all of you. YOu all make me feel lucky because you are hanging in there and doing well. I really appreciate all you telling your stories and sharing information.

65f dx 7/95 scc poorly differentiated r post pharngeal Laser surg
7/96 reocur l post wall 8wks IMRT 5d/wk
freq check all clear ca
97 approx dx atypical mycobacteria lungs picc line many antibiotics still pos cultures
dry mouth
many dental issues
osteoporosis many fxs
Poor appetite