Thanks for the advice, I haven't asked my doctor about it yet, I mostly just read stuff online (a terrible thing to do, I know). I haven't tried non-alcoholic beer, it seems to defeat the point of drinking

. I have had a beer here and there, but I am just thinking in my head worst case scenarios every time I try to drink any. I know I am so fortunate to have been able to bounce back to quickly - I am back to eating just about everything, my energy level is almost back to normal, and my speech has improved greatly - so I just hate to push it. But, at the same time, it is still a bummer! I hate when I go out in public and friends/acquaintances ask me if I can drink, and then when I say no they ask me why not. If I give them an honest answer - that it is a cancer catalyst and my chances of recurrence are still 50/50 - it makes people pretty uncomfortable and puts a damper on the mood. I feel like people for the most part don't realize how big of a risk there is for recurrence - they see that I look normal now, so they assume the cancer is gone and I am done with it forever. I know I wouldn't have known any better had I not gotten cancer, but it is still frustrating.
Sorry, I am just venting! I feel guilty even worrying about such insignificant matters as drinking, considering everything I have been through, but at the same time I still want to have some sliver of my normal self/life, and don't want people feeling like they have to walk on egg shells around me and feel sorry for me all the time. I do like to take the edge off by vaporizing some MJ, but that doesn't put me in the most social mood!