Have you asked your doctors? Mine were fine with a beer a day during my first radiation Treatment (it cooled my throat, pumped up the Percocet, added calories, and washed down that food since I did not have a PEG). i pushed to get a definite answer: one beer? two beers? one wine? etc. They said to avoid ALL HARD drinks but thought one beer or one wine were fine and unlikely to trigger a recurrence.
We have had some heavy discussions here at the forum on drinking but no resolution to the issue. (Hey does that make it Moot? - inside joke to don't you just hate it thread)
Seriously, on an issue this important, you need to first ask your doctors. Ironically, many OCF members who insist on some positions because that's what their doctor did or said, just ignore their doctor's okay to have one beer.
Personally, I still put wine down my feeding tube each night at dinner or happy hour and always order wine when out at a restaurant (makes the waiter happy since I'm bringing my Jevity cans for food).
If nothing else, have you thought about the non-alcholic beer many bars have.?
Last edited by Charm2017; 05-10-2012 09:07 AM. Reason: typos