Yes, David, you are not qualified to make these calls and I am not qualified to evaluate answers from you or anyone else. But as a gauge, I wondered about the sheer numbers because the numbers I am reading from neck dissection people have been fewer. Granted many have had rado and chemo prior to the surgery. And I get it that bilateral nodes bumps up the seriousness.

As for the surly ENT, he seems to be the one we will have to deal with the least. I have had minor dealings with him in the past and the nurse in me liked him - he was nice to me and the patients. Maybe he'd rather be taking out (non cancerous) tonsils or drilling sinuses.

Cheryl, things are moving along as quickly as possible, I am confident. We haven't waited more than two days for any appointment or test. Even the PET was done before biopsy reports were back. All of this sets my alarm bells ringing. the hold up has been the dental work and required healing time. Makes me crazy that the beast is growing away while we wait. I swear his symptoms are getting worse, too. More ear pain and swelling on the jawline that I don't think is related to dental extractions. I admit to paranoia, though.

Side question -- does it annoy those of you who have cancer when us caregivers use words like "we" have appointments? I feel like this is all happening to me, too.

Okay...........HPV status. Would have assumed this was routine. Will add it to the list which includes THS, baseline hearing, CBC (done). Where's that notebook for writing things down?

CG to husband Stage IV SCC left tonsil 11/11. Mets to 7 nodes on left, 2 on right, no distant mets. PEG, 7 weeks radiation and weekly Cisplatin ended Feb 10, 2012. PET 04/12 areas consistent with inflammation, complete response in nodes. Recurrence 09/13 pulmonary lymphatics. Died 22 Oct following an allergic reaction to Erbitux.