Thanks for the welcome Christine! The day after i was diagnosed last week I went for a chest xray and blood work, and I read some posts regarding dental check ups and have an appt for one of those on I am getting my ducks all lined up smile I have started to make a list of ppl who have offered to help and I have a friend who told me she is already starting to make some freezer dishes for me so my kids are well fed. I am going to enlist some other friends in that project as well. My biggest worry is making sure my kids lives are disrupted as little as possible and that they are taken care of if I don't have the strength to do it.
Thank you for all the great suggestions. I am definitely not newest silver lining lately is that at least i may lose a little weight wink

Last edited by momentsandmemories; 11-09-2011 09:26 AM.