Where in Colorado are you? If you PM me, I can give you the name of my surgeon here! My primary sight was my right tonsil. They operated to take out my tonsils and to biopsy the tumors on my tongue and neck. I didn't have the neck dissection. They felt that they could get rid of the tumors in my neck with the chemo. After 6 weeks of recovery from the surgery, I started chemo-induction therapy (Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU). After the first round, the tumors in my neck were gone! I had a total of 3 of these treatments and I was one of the very lucky ones as my ONLY side effect was I lost my hair after the first week. 2 week break after that and then I started on the 7 week radiation/chemo therapy. I had a feeding tube but still lost 70 pounds in 4 months (luckily, I had excess to lose!).

Last edited by Cathi Carpenter; 11-09-2011 04:31 AM.

57 when diagnosed. Heavy smoker. Social drinker. Diagnosed 7/9/09 with tonsil, tongue & neck cancer. Chemo induction (Cisplatin, 5FU & Taxotere) & 35 radiation tx + 7 Carboplatin.
Head and neck CAT scan on 1/15/10 shows no cancer.
1/27/12 First PET/CAT scans in 2 years - All clear!!
recurrence mid-2015
OCF supporter and avid OCF CO and NJ walk attendee with worldwide friends

*** 1-7-16 passed away unexpectedly ***