Hey there, Will. I read your post only today. I wonder how you are now. I concur with everything Jennifer wrote. Recovery is a slow process. I am nine weeks post treatment and I would say I only started to feel good for about the past two weeks. I have started driving and going out alone and eating by mouth though I still have the tube. Pain wasn't so much an issue for me as mouth secretions and being unable to talk for about one month. Someone on this site said about radiation: it's the gift that keeps on giving. How true. Hope you are feeling better. My best to you. -Michelle

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.