Hi Will,

You have done so well so far! Ken had to start higher levels of pain medication by week 3. Has Dr. Clark sent you to see the Pallative Care team? Ken talks with one of the nurses weekly about his pain and she monitors what he is taking. It might be worth asking about. Ken sees Simone Rinaldi who works with Dr. Kamdar (not sure of spelling). He is hoping to finally start tapering his meds soon with the goal of going back to work on 5/25!

Good luck with your recovery!

Jill..CG to Ken, age 43,mom of 1yr old girl.
DIAG:12/9/10 SCC BOT T4N0M0 HPV+
START:1/3/11 IMRT dailyX35 and 7 chemo
END:2/23/11 PEG IN:1/15/11 Out:4/26/11
CT/MRI 4/25/11-marked improvement CT 6/11 new spots
BX 6/23-cancer present
Total Glossectomy sched 7/20/11
7/19/11 Ken's suffering ended