I have a theory about cancer and other sicknesses- because like you (my) Erik had been sick maybe 1 day in five years prior to cancer. I believe the body is putting out so many white blood cells for years prior to actually aquiring cancer, because its working hard to kick any foreign cells (ie: 1st cancer cells) that you have a SUPER immune system- (thus not catching any colds or flu's) of course after cancer and treatment your body goes back to making normal amounts of cells (sometimes a few short for a while)- allowing for colds and flu's to get through)
Erik getting an occasional sickness kinda gives me a bit of joy, cause I think -his body isnt over protecting trying to fight cancer.
Its just my theory- probably not backed by any real research- but I like to live in my pseudo-crazy-gotta-have-an-answer-world! smile

Caregiver to Erik -1st DX 12/22/2005 SCC of Tongue, T3N1M0, hemi-glossectomy,60 nodes removed, carboplatnin,Erbitux, 35Rads.
Reoccurrence T1N0M0 4/14/08-partial glossectomy-16 weeks Erbitux and Taxol-
3rd reoccurrence 5/18/12- partial glossectomy